Wednesday, September 15, 2010

s0metimes it just kills y0u inside when y0u realise that y0u are n0 l0nger friends with y0ur bestfriend just because 0f y0ur selfishness .
is it w0rth it ?
but its t00 late .

♥ AnbeSivam.
9:02:00 PM

s0metimes w0uld y0u d0 anything t0 get l0ve even if it is g0nna end up ruining y0ur reputati0n ?

♥ AnbeSivam.
11:04:00 AM

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

feelings 0f disapp0intments .
they are terrible .
when y0u trust s0me0ne and when they sh0w their true c0l0urs , its g0nna be fucked up .
empty pr0mises .
heartbreakings !
life teaches y0u al0t . s0metimes i just ch00se t0 repeat the same mistakes 0ver and 0ver again .
and i d0nt seem t0 be picking up myself again .
hmm .
like has t0 g0 0n n0 matter what

♥ AnbeSivam.
6:41:00 PM

Monday, August 30, 2010

T0m0r0w bukit bat0k sec0ndary sch00l w0uld be celebrating tacher's day celebrati0ns . hmm . i remember this day , where it is s0 exciting l00king at the perf0rmances and imp0rtantly sch00l finishing early . sighs . i seri0usly miss sec0ndary sch00l .

and i seri0usly miss her . . all t0 be blamed 0n me . 0n my jeal0usy . jeal0usy 0nli strikes when y0ur l0ved 0ne is g0ing away . but n0w l00king at it i feel s0 childish . back then , everyday i called her h0usef0ne and she kn0ws that by a few rings it w0uld be 0nly me . n0w we 0nli chat in msn .
i seri0usly fucking miss her s0 much . i always tell myself that i cann0t aff0rd t0 l0se her and right n0w . . . I've g0t n0thing t0 say .

0n the 18th birthday , i wished up0n the candles that i sh0uld never be parted fr0m her , and i am still wishing !

♥ AnbeSivam.
10:19:00 PM

Sunday, May 9, 2010

this bl0g is n0t dead !

its jus that i had been either busy 0r t00 lazy .
s0 far life has been the same . n0thing much difference .
o am just enj0ying sch00l life right n0w .
i had regrets g0ing int0 simei .
but n0w i thank g0d f0r sh0wing me such w0nderful friends .
i n0e they w0nt last l0ng .
but i just wana create mem0rable m0ments with them .
il0vethem .
it is still hanging in a thin strand .
i just feel like giving up 0n her .
i wish we nvr parted .
if i had a wish i w-uld turn back time and treasure her .
i am s0rry .
f0r letting y0u d0wn .
istilll0vey0utwin .

happy m0thers day .
thanks mummy f0r being there f0r me .
f0r helping me 0ut .
f0r safing me fr0m that m0nster .
il0ve y0u
i dun0 what w0uld i bec0me with0ut y0u .

♥ AnbeSivam.
10:39:00 AM

Sunday, March 28, 2010

am back fr0m d0ing the health screening .
s0 tired
am n0t g0ing w0rk t0m0r0w !
i kn0w that i need a rest and it is a must . .

lately he is disturbing me .
i keep thinking ab0ut the past .
the t0rture i went thr0ugh
the abuses .
sighs .
it is s0 difficult f0r me t0 f0rget and m0ve 0n .
fuck him f0r it .
when he was there , was als0 a pr0blem .
when he is n0t its still a pr0b .

♥ AnbeSivam.
9:48:00 PM

Thursday, March 25, 2010

i pierced my t0ngue !!!!

♥ AnbeSivam.
4:28:00 PM





simei ite


bukit bat0k





secret bf

sch00l !


physical , mental , verbal abusers


s0cial esc0rts




make dhilip varman listen t0 me singing !

get my bike license by the end 0f 31Dec2012

♥♥meet / talk t0 mahen 0nce♥♥

♥♥get a part time j0b♥♥

be a ward sister

get GPA3.0 and ab0ve f0r 0ne exam

enter nyp , dip in nursing and adv dip in nursing

let l0ve find me

celebrate 19th birthday grandly



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